Narabahadur Karmacharya Memorial Foundatioin
Comrade Narbahadur Karmacharya , one of the founding members of the Communist Party of Nepal, he was the pioneer figure to fight against the dark era of the dictatorial Rana regime to bring the radical changes in the social structure of the nation and to establish people's sovereignty. He was the iconic personality in the political scenario particularly to lead the entire left and democratic movement for the declaration of the Republic in Nepal as well.
Comrade Narbahadur Karmacharya sincerely dedicated his entire efforts for the rights, liberty and pursuit of dignified existence of Nepal and Nepalese people against the so called feudalistic social structure. We feel humbled with great respect to be the follower of such dynamic and ideal personality and we further committed to fight for the accomplishment of the remaining mission. His sincerity, culture of sacrifice, commitment and eagerness for the goals are the milestones for new generations. "Nabahadur Karmacharya Memorial Foundation" was established to conduct various creative programs to protect and promote his thoughts and feelings in order to contribute to the defence of the communist movement in which he played a leading role.
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